Web Site Life Cycle

Web Site Life Cycle The developer of a well-engineered Web site should prepare a project plan, or follow an existing plan, cover- ing the entire life cycle of the well-engineered Web site, including development, maintenance, and retire- ment. The well-engineered Web site project plan shall incorporate consideration of the implications of both minimum and maximum Web site life expectancies. The project plan should address Web site maintainability. The plan should address requirements for dates (see 7.4) and contact information (see 4.2.6 for privacy, 5.7 for Webmaster, and 5.11 for site center). Some well-engineered Web pages have as a significant objective the delivery of specific information to indi- viduals who need that information. Well-engineered Web sites shall have an identified set of metrics that can be evaluated. Ease of access to information by targeted-user communities is an example of one of the possi- ble design goals. 17 Navigation aids, buttons, user readable body met...